It’s with enthusiasm, eagerness and, honestly, a little bit of relief that we lift the cover on our first official Sony Computer Entertainment America company blog – welcome and sorry for the wait.
PlayStation.Blog is a bit of work in progress, we see it as a place where we can share with you our company’s collective insights, opinions and perspectives on all things related to SCEA, PlayStation and the industry we play in.
At the moment, we’re thinking about sharing all sorts of things here, ranging from product news and title announcements to developer updates and industry opinion posts – all of which will come straight from the people here inside SCEA who are working, thinking and playing with this stuff every day. Look to the categories on the sidebar for some initial thoughts we have on future post themes.
Now, what we’ve learned, perhaps the hard way, is that a blog like this is really about you and the things you want to hear, share and discuss with us. With that in mind, you’ll notice that comments are enabled – and encouraged – so tell us what you want to see here and we’ll do our best to make it happen. And yes, like most blogs, we have a comment policy, please just keep this in mind when you’re leaving a comment.
We imagine it may take us a short while to find our pace with this, but bear with us as we get underway and we promise we’ll quickly make this blog a valuable stop in your daily info hunt for PlayStation news.
Like we’ve said, we’re excited to finally have a platform for conversation and connection. Much more is in the works too, so we hope you’ll consider sticking around, kicking the tires of our shiny new blog and sharing what you think.
Good luck on the new blog.
Finally, i hope that this blog will be put to good use.
Man Im stoked about this blog, ill be sure to check in every day for news… thnx sony!!!
Nice, I’m pretty excited to see the kinds of news that will come through this blog. :)
Great blog, and looks like the community is going to be a nice mature one as well ^.^
You guys seem to be really listening, Awesome!
Cool, I cannot wait for the blogs!!! I hope that they make some major announcements soon. p.s. I cannot wait for Heavenly Sword, Lair, Warhawk, Uncharted and all of those awesome Sony Game to Come out. Yeah, Ps3 Rocks!!!!!!
Hi, nice to be on the site, hope to be a good commenter!
I have some questions about the PS3 that are important to me, but that I can’t seem to find definitive answers to:
1) What is the status of backwards compatibility? At the PS3’s European launch we heard that you guys were working hard to make the model without the emotion chip fully backwards compatible… but in the press release around the time of the last firmware update, we heard that ‘backwards compatibility is not a priority’. Considering the emotion chip version is going to be discontinued, I think this is an issue that will affect PS3 owners worldwide. Will there ever be a time when the software renderer will be 100% backwards compatible, with upscaling? What about 99%? :)
2) When will we see rumble-enabled sixaxis controllers on the market?
3) We all know that the PSN is still in development… but how deeply are we looking at Game 3.0 integration? Will that be replacing the service entirely?
4) Another Game 3.0 question (i’m quite excited about it): we recently heard players avatars would not be able to don outlandish costumes, such as Storm Trooper armour. Why not? Could you clarify that position?
Hope you pick one of my comments to answer! But i’ll be reading regardless, of course :).
It is me Godofwar55555 again, I just wanted to say that I am a true Playstation fan and I have always rooted for Sony and that will never change. I am loyal to the Playstation brand because I think that they are the best quality products and they have some many amazing games.
This site is proof that you guys are trying far harder than most companies to really listen to the consumer, which is very noble, but I must admit, I worry about how legit your positions on this blog are. You are a big company with tons of work to do, and for us to voice our tiny little opinions on here would be asking a lot for you to listen to them all. I am glad you have done this nonetheless, don’t get me wrong, but I, as a consumer, do pray that you take our comments seriously, search for a way to moderate, and find out what we are really screaming for. I have faith, as Popular Science agrees, that you will be the console leader by the end of 2009, but I would love to see how fast we can get there. I’m with ya Sony, I always have been, and always will be. Thanks.
Congrats Sony ! Now bring out the good stuff 8^)
I have a question for the Playstation Team.
I wanted to know when they are going to finally start talking about Killzone 2. It has been two years of no new info.
thank you sony this is cool keep up the good work
This is great to have this official site.
Now some direct communication from Sony. Now start giving us some good news!
Cool! Hope to hear so exciting news. ;)
Keep up the good work SCEA, it’s about time you guys stepped up and got involved!
I’l like to see this become The news site for PS3 and PSP. Meaning headsup info on whats coming in future firmware and store updates. After a new update you could post polls for people to rate different things done in the update. It would be cool if this were the place to go to make a suggestion for future XMB firmware updates. Let the community help shape something they love. Its worked for the Net 2.0 sites.
Oh and why is this and PlayStation.com not integrated. It doesnt make any sense that my Underground account doesnt work here.
great, now we have a site to get more broken promises and “official” delay information.
i cant wait to get dissatisfied yet again!
I am glad that you are doing this, this way we can tell you what we think about your products and services directly, and for this is the best quality feedback you could ask for. Congrats and keep the good work! Long life to PS3 !!!
Yo dudes answer the timeless question: When are we getting IN-GAME XMB? CMON SONY! It’s the only thing missing from XBL’s service.
Sony lost some respect in my book when they blamed the online community for slow sales. This is a much better way of handling things.
Well anywho some requests… where’s my rpg’s? when will we be able to download ps1 games to the psp directly? on that note there’s so many great ps1 games that haven’t been released, double time it people.
Best of luck with the blog guys, and as others have already stated, looking forward to hearing some good news (GT mobile anyone?)
Awesome, now all that we have to do is wait is for the official announcements. I think that this is a great idea and it is a good way for SCEA to communicate with the fans. Great job SCEA, keep up the good work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok sony, listen up.
1. still no divx, avi, and PAL DVD support? not very region-free, is it?
2. those with plasma and CRT tvs demand transparent HUDs in games, way less than 50% of HD gamers have LCDs, gamers are gonna be awfully sore if they get the GTA IV HUD display burned into their monitors!
good stuff. i’ll definitely be checking this for news and to leave my 2cents. and i promise no pointless rambling. praise when deserved and constructive criticism to let you know how we feel and help make our experience with your products better.
the beginning of a beautiful friendship. lol.
I want 1080i games, i have 2 1080i sony tvs and most ps3 games are 720p which my tv does not support making me play 480p not good if i have a 52 inche tv.
SCEA should post up a section on the site for upcoming/announced games that are set to schedule on the US PS2 and US PS3.
I’m interested in the game SVC Chaos: SNK Vs. Capcom (which was canceled for the PS2 late 2005 because of SCEA’s back-then-strict-2D-policy, and instead brought over to the US Xbox).
Well, since SCEA is a bit less strict, I think they should get Capcom & SNK to release SVC Chaos: SNK Vs. Capcom for the US PS2.
Anyway, great job with this blog thing SCEA!
Ah, an offical Sony blog…I’m in heaven :-)
OK OK her goes,
Sony…. I am an Adult gamer ( 34 ) and I have the money to purchase your new PS3 but its just not worth the price at $600.
Yes I own an Xbox 360, and I am extremely please with it since the day I brought it home. I just cant seem to justify the price in spending an additional $600 + to get another gaming machine that will play essentially all of the same games that I would want to play other than FF XIII.
So I think that when I say I will not even consider getting a PS3 until the price drops to $400 I do not speak for myself but for a VAST portion of the gaming community.
LOWER the price or you will lose serious market share on a permanent basis on the scale of what you are currently seeing!!
Good move by Sony to create this blog.Now the voices from fans of the PlayStation family will finally be heard!
cool! now for the important stuff. lol. how do i get an avatar and lets get these topics going. so far the topics in the sidebar sound good to me. maybe another open forum for wishlists from users would be cool (though i’m almost affraid to see some of the things people have on their Sony wishlists lol).
but yeah. updates i want to hear are:
1. PSP redesign
2. God of War 3
3. Why are the videos/trailers on us.playstation.com not in the PS store? don’t you just have to upload them?
4. demos (duh). i know that’s more up to the developers but just throwing it out there (closed mouths don’t get fed).
that’s a good starting point. besides that glad to see the progress. proud loyal PS owner & gamer (every generation baby). classically trained and raised from Atari2600 to NES to Genesis to my PS1, PS2, PSP and the incredible PS3! gamer to the heart.
Thanks for this blog. I can’t wait for the exclusive news and Sony game/PS insider information that will be posted here!
Nice…I like this, keep it up to date!
Well done.
Hello Hello!!!
well, I have an idea for you. A Mandelbrot set explorer. I’ve been trying to install the Cell SDK to mess around with the idea, but it shouldn’t take a decent programmer (which I am not) more than a couple days to do. It seems like a perfect use of the Cell (you can calculate pixel color values independently, so the SPE’s can calculate several at a time). Also, since it wouldn’t really need any 3D capability, you could also use the RSX in tandem with the Cell. I thought it would make a nice PSN download.
Well Sony, keeping up with the times…good good.
If my two cents were valued as a PS3 owner I would say to get some good PS1 games for the PSN, and try your best to get demos out before the games release, such as Ninja Gaiden Sigma.
I’m not sure yet if this blog is for information coming from you guys at Sony, or for taking your consumers feedback and applying them accordingly.
Hopefully a bit of both…would do everyone good.
Wonderful news. I hope this place is continuously updated and everything! I know people have been asking for this, some are impatient! But its wonderful to see it up and running.
I assure you will see a million people here daily. I do hope some can restrain themselves from posting crappy comments. But I’m here to get the news and I wish you all at Sony and everyone associated with you the greatest of luck.
I wish I could work with you guys. ^_^ It would be a blast.
I’ve been saying it for some time now – Sony needs to communicate with the gamers. Just remember that communication works both ways. When gamers pose a question, do your best to answer it. When gamers bring you a problem, do something about it other than having us address all questions to the nearest “brick wall”.
Sony comes across as a very proud, traditional japanese company, and it worked well for them…. twenty years ago. Times have changed, and it’s time to descend to the level of the common consumer. It’s time to hear our wants, needs, criticisms, and complaints – not just the praise. I wish all the writers here luck – it won’t be easy.
PS Kudos on what you’ve done with wordpress.
hey sony, thanks for this generous offer, which will benefit both us fans and u, as u will know what we want and when we prefer to have it,etc. in the longterm this may even encourage other gamers to join ur fanbase and voice their opinions as well. plz keep this updated constantly with anything playstation. and try to send out ps3 demos, trailers, PSN games, PS1 games,etc monthly and as soon and as much as u can.
thank you
Oh, one more thing – don’t lose sight of journalistic integrity. Blogs have become a source of news for many people. To be taken seriously as a blog, never forget that there is both good and bad news happening every day. Obviously, you’ll want to keep it Sony centric, but if something large and negative happens to your parent company, do not ignore it. Let’s take your MS counterpart, Major Nelson. He offended many gamers a few weeks back with some comments he made on his podcast, as well as his expressed views on some downloadable content, and the lack of response to complaints over the recent console banning. I certainly understand that you won’t always be able to comment on every issue, however, it’s in your best interest to speak frankly about negative news whenever possible.
Here’s my comment about the blog: W00t!
Sweet!!!!!!!!! []^X0
Awesome blog! can’t wait for information from Sony on cools stuff!!
yea, great idea on the blog,
would really love some updates
Actually nice idea and i like the design of this blog…keep it updated
This is going to be sweet! When will the US people have access to the HOME beta. Looking forward to that with eager anticipation.
Hey Sony it’s about time. You guys really need to keep in touch with your community more now than ever. I know everything comes in baby steps so this is a great first step!
I’m very excited about this, hopefully this will be a great way to share ideas and thoughts about Sony and the PS3 from the consumer stand point and learn about upcoming news.
This is great.I hope we get trustable insider info from this site.
Thanks for this Blog. I know I’ll be checking it daily.