It’s with enthusiasm, eagerness and, honestly, a little bit of relief that we lift the cover on our first official Sony Computer Entertainment America company blog – welcome and sorry for the wait.
PlayStation.Blog is a bit of work in progress, we see it as a place where we can share with you our company’s collective insights, opinions and perspectives on all things related to SCEA, PlayStation and the industry we play in.
At the moment, we’re thinking about sharing all sorts of things here, ranging from product news and title announcements to developer updates and industry opinion posts – all of which will come straight from the people here inside SCEA who are working, thinking and playing with this stuff every day. Look to the categories on the sidebar for some initial thoughts we have on future post themes.
Now, what we’ve learned, perhaps the hard way, is that a blog like this is really about you and the things you want to hear, share and discuss with us. With that in mind, you’ll notice that comments are enabled – and encouraged – so tell us what you want to see here and we’ll do our best to make it happen. And yes, like most blogs, we have a comment policy, please just keep this in mind when you’re leaving a comment.
We imagine it may take us a short while to find our pace with this, but bear with us as we get underway and we promise we’ll quickly make this blog a valuable stop in your daily info hunt for PlayStation news.
Like we’ve said, we’re excited to finally have a platform for conversation and connection. Much more is in the works too, so we hope you’ll consider sticking around, kicking the tires of our shiny new blog and sharing what you think.
It’s about freaking time. I thought for asecond. sony just liked to get it’s ass kicked by everyone else.. Great to se you on board. although i have to say a majority of your users will be wii/360 fans like me..
hehe.. either way glad to have someone stepup..
Congrats, and welcome to the blogosphere, Sony!
Best of Luck,
Finally Sony! Thank you for creating a blog dedicated to its PlayStation faithful.
Congrats on getting your blog up finally. Be prepared for an onslaught of whiny kids just like those of us who read Major Nelson’s blog get to enjoy on a regular basis. You will always be told you’re ‘doing it all wrong’ no matter what you do. So, from an Xbox 360 fan to you all here, have fun and maybe I’ll see you guys online after a PS3 pricecut in the future.
great blog, hope to find some exclusives on here
It’s about dang time. :O
First of all, get Jaffe to blog on here, stat. Secondly, you guys need to address what the heck is going on with the PSN updates. The content is anemic, to be nice. A couple movie trailers or game trailers is not an update. You need to put at least one of these three things up EVERY week:
1) a PSN game
2) a PS3 game demo
3) a batch of PS1 games
Those are my expectations. Anything less than that is unacceptable.
Also, what the *@#^$ is going on with the Resistance update? Insomniac have had the maps and patch done for over a month. Two weeks in a row, you’ve delayed it on the DAY it was supposed to come out because Sony couldn’t work out the worldwide servers. What makes you guys think that’s OK to wait until the day of to announce a delay? Flow was delayed from December to February. Calling All Cars was delayed from March to May. WarHawk, Oblivion, and MotorStorm were all supposed to be there at launch. What the heck is going on at Sony? Until you guys really step up, I’m going to be calling it the DelayStation 3 because this is pretty ridiculous already and I’m losing my patience. I’d really like to ask for some release dates for all of those Fall titles but to save me some work, when you do release, just add 2 months in and save me the conversion time. plzkthx
One more thing:
I shouldn’t have to go to a separate region’s store to download demos and trailers that are already in English. >:( Get your content coordinated. There is no reason that Europe has had a bunch of DLC for Ridge Racer 7 for months and we just got it last week. There is a Folklore and Hot Shots demo on the Japan store. How about getting a US demo together or at least some indication that you are working on it. Something! ARGH, this is so frustrating not having any idea what’s coming when on the PSN store and for PS3 games. If it wasn’t for a quality title like Resistance, I’d be really pissed right now at buying a PS3.
Testing gravatar….
I love how the blog hasn’t even been open more than 5 minutes yet people are complaining about lack of games and in-game XMB.
Jolt would like to welcome you to the wonderful world of blogging, Sony.
Just don’t mention what you want for Xmas, okay?
Keith Andrew
Nice site!! Wish you could have used the resources to repair the online feature(which is a shame) to MLB 07 “The Show”
201 kick ass
Great! Feels good that you offer this service to your costumers and all alike…:)
Now give me some K2, Drake, Ratchet and Warhawk to go please…:P
:-) :-):-)
Good luck, welcome to the blogging world
Hopefully this blog is updated daily…
Hey awesome! Finally an official Playstation blog!
Maybe now we’ll be able to hear what Sony actually thinks about why the PS3 is failing so dismally both in America and over in Japan. Up until now all we’ve got is the deluded lies about “supply shortages” and ludicrous claims that “the Playstation brand is number one” from official Sony press releases. Looking forward to a fresh and honest take on the whole debacle :)
testing gravatar…
Keep some exclusive news coming to this site.
Yea, a PlayStation Blog. I’ll be sure to visit this blog daily.
wow 216 comments, how many replies?
might be over your heads with this one me thinks.
Hey monkeu, the playstation brand is outselling the xbox in every territory of the world. PS2 > 360.
Hmm… Looking forward to the upcoming news at E3!!
@ Violater
Don’t worry, the comments will die down soon enough. This is just day one hype since the release of this blog has been covered on every other gaming blog and news site.
I’m a long standing PS2 and I’ve had an on and off relationship with the PSP (really looking forward to Castlevania Dracula X and FF Tactics), but the PS3 price is absurd. If you want to catch with Xbox, you need to choke down your pride and lower the price. $499.00 USD for the 60gig + Blu-Ray would be a nice tactic against MS’s $479.99 USD “Elite” SKU.
Just wanted to say a big “Thank You” to the folks who have been jumping in and showing support for this new blog. We are excited about it and plan to have new content up here frequently and to continually give you all a good reason to come back every day. We are hearing you loud and clear on your requests. We are still doing some final tweaks to the functionality of the site, so your feedback is always appreciated. Also, thanks to all of the press sites who have covered this launch today from Joystiq, Kotaku, PS3fanboy, etc.
Hey Guys,
I’m thrilled to see this blog up, and I hope this kind of transparency works out well for both you and the fans.
To take advantage of you wanting to hear from us, I’ll say the following: A few weeks back I actually did a PS3 review that addressed most of my issues/concerns regarding the PS3 for blogcritics.org. It’s terribly bad netiquette, but I’ll post the link here:
The amazing thing, is that in the time between that post and now, a lot of the issues have been addressed to some extent.
Some of the big issues, for me, at least, are the following:
Media usage:
You guys have done a lot these past few weeks, enough that I ran out and bought a PSP, too. It’s really very impressive. The bad part is that much of this should have been there since the beginning – just to match how you were advertising the device. Still, I’m thrilled to see some progress with the PS3 as a media hub. The price tag only works with that context, and as I said in the review – there is really no reason that the PS3 shouldn’t be able to do what the AppleTV can do (except playing DRM’d content, obviously.) And you guys still need to tighten all that up a bit, I know it’s a new feature – but it shouldn’t be, and a glimpse on your forums will give you some idea at how painful getting the media center functionality to work is.
Web Browser:
The web browser isn’t too big a deal for me, but what it can use IS. Being able to bring media rich websites into the living room – Pandora, Last.Fm, YouTube, Google Video.. successfully and easily would add a lot of value to your product, and I would hope you would vigorously investigate options to make these work (at all in some cases, easier in others.)
The interface is nice, but when it comes to working with media it is a bit weak. Perhaps a more robust way of dealing with music and video files, playlist support, etc.
Playstation Store:
The playstation store however… this is really a place where you guys dropped the ball. I wasn’t overly fond of my 360 for a variety of reasons, but I had a plethora of games I could buy and demo, and movies and tv shows I could watch. The Wii also has quite a selection of content you can gain. The PS3 has been positioned as something that is beyond a gaming system – you guys need to make that a reality, and fast. Right now it’s little more than a nice gaming system, with few first party games, and a fancy dvd player with very few titles to be excited about.
And that’s fine, and would be fine, if the product was 200 dollars cheaper. Blu-Ray technology may be expensive, but it’s not an issue of how much that costs – it’s a question of how much is it worth, and blu ray isn’t worth THAT much to your average consumer. Heck, I’ve got a HDTV, HDMI cables, etc… and I can see very little difference in my regular DVD and my HD version, and most people I show it to can’t tell at all. So, yes, I see that the console costs “x” dollars, but it must be WORTH “x” dollars.
You have some great looking games coming out, but right now the selection is kind of weak. In fact, I’ve just been playing PS2 games the vast majority of the time. New systems always have that trouble, but you guys have an uphill battle n a lot of ways – which is ironic given your historical mastery of the market.
I hope it doesn’t sound like I’m trying to harp on you guys, I’ve been thrilled with my experience so far – it’s just that you guys need to do better so that I don’t feel like a chump for trading in my Wii and 360 to back the company that has always impressed me in this realm. Unlike many, I really see the vision you are trying to sell with the PS3 and I think the world is just about ready for it – but there needs to be some concreteness to start the revolution – the PS3 needs to fulfill its potential better so people can realize just how impressive a device it is.
Nice move Sony, I’ve been waiting for a blog for years.
nice work sony & better not lose more exclusives @ E3 >:(
have you had a talk with ubi port or activision yet??? as i asked from my previous post????
Congrats, ill be checking back and such lots to see whats going down over at SCEA, i guess ill say a couple of things
1. Keep MGS4 exclusive, no matter what you do, keep it exclusive
2. Keep the new IP’s coming, Uncharted, Heavenly Sword, the works, everything looks amzing
3. Take back E3 2007, do it like its 2005 baby
a poster above me laid out some very good suggestions and feedback, i think you guys are doing great with the PS3, its my fav. console without a doubt, just keep the software library tight and on lock, dont keep losing exclusives
and for Mr Seybold, do you fancy yourself a Helghast, haha, cheers for Killzone 3 at E3 07!!!!!
Now, we have another way to reflect our opinions or suggestions which will be heard by SONY.
It’s good to see Sony finally have a place to let the gamers know what’s going on with the PS3.
Welcome to the Blogosphere!
To whom it may concern.
While I applaud your efforts with Folding, and the upscaling was really very clever, and Blu-Ray? Blu-Ray is actually very good. That was indeed something of a shock, I wasn’t all that interested in it, and then wow. So well done.
The point? Oh yes. Here it comes.
Any chance we can have some more games? Please?
I finished Ridge. Beat RFoM. Played CoD3 to death. Even Tekken DR – it was good. Oh yes and Motorstorm. It was very impressive. But all that was months ago. I’m sure you see where I’m going.
Oh and by-the-way. Online isn’t the be-all-and-end-all.
Again thanks – keep up the good work.
PSX kid.
Hi Sony, congrats on the new blog site. Like everyone else here, I also have a few things I want to mention here, now that we know you’ll be reading these. Maybe not all of our comments, but in the off-chance you come across mines, here I go:
1.) I’m almost sure you guys are aware of the demand for some kind of in-game XMB access. Particularly in-game music and buddy lists. Web browser access would be cool too
2.) In the future, please allow for the PSP to actually download media from the PS3 and not just stream. There have been a number of times I wanted to save a song or two to my PSP, only finding myself in front of the console a minute later hooking up my USB cable.
3.) There has been a debate about the PS3’s game upscaling technology vs the Xbox 360’s technology. The general consensus is that the 360 can cleanly upscale old games, while the PS3 seems to blur the jagged edges. I’m not really complaining, as I don’t own an HDTV myself, but it could be something to bring up with whoever is developing the firmware updates.
4.) An auto-off feature on the SIXAXIS would be nice. I’ve killed a quarter of my battery charge once when I forgot to turn it off while Folding@home
5.) A revamped PS Store. The current one is alright, but in my opinion, the experience would be more streamlined if it was directly integrated as part of the XMB instead of bringing up a modified web browser interface
Thanks for listening Sony, and good luck!
Updates every day please. Don’t post press releases, get a little more creative than that.
It would also be really valuable to Sony if threespeech just came out of the closet from a “semi-official” to an official blog. Honesty is the best policy, especially considering the past year of PR from Sony. Some input from Sony Japan would be good too. We haven’t heard anything about what’s coming out of Sony Japan for quite a while. This is a global organization, right?
I hope you understand that some of these long missives are just pent up frustration which there was no outlet for before. Keep up the good work, guys.
[…] blog.us.playstation.com[QUOTE]It’s with enthusiasm, eagerness and, honestly, a little bit of relief that we lift the […]
Good thinking Sony!
Welcome and good luck….I’m a former ps2 guy who switched to the 360 and a very loyal fan of my 360 in particular xbox live. However I look forward to reading this blogg because this is good for the whole gaming community. I think both systems could learn from each other. I am interested in the ps3 extra functions like folding home, but in the end its about the games and the live community….I wish u luck…competition is best for all gamers… BTW Major Nelson has posted your link (how I found it) and has sent out well wishes….I would like to see you on his podcast someday to have a honest debate, well not even a debate, in the end we are all gamers..
Sony please try to keep, or get these games/series to be exclusive:
Metal Gear Solid
Resident Evil
Final Fantasy
wow .. jesus christ thats alot of posts i can see why they have not done this sooner .. they needed to hire at least 12 people for the blog.
something that would probably help admin would be a rating system for comments .. let the community rise the cream to the top .. thats not saying that you shouldnt drink the whole cup of coffee though ;)
or contact me ill work for warhawk beta place ;)
Great job.Its a pleasure see that Sony cares her fans.
Jorge “Diefor” Soares, http://www.lusoplay.com
Cool. good luck
Wow, I have been waiting for this. Well done, guys.
ok…now im getting a little upset.. have you talked to ubi port or activision yet?? what did they say ???
this is awesome, I hope here I will be able to get news way faster then any other gaming site I go to
July 11th. War is coming.
Congrats on the blog Sony. Finally a direct way to communicate both ways.
Congrats Sony, I’am verry happy with this Blog.
Now it is for the USA please make a Blog for Europe to. the lead language must be English, te most European can speak write and read that language. But for now yhis is marvelous..I love it!!!
Keep up the good work..
By the way, the PS3 is the best made console that I ever had, its a great peace off hardware!!
Doom; administrator. PS3 focus.nl
any chance of a star wars game?? maybe an mmorpg just for the ps3??? it would be amazing if the rigth people work on it
oh..and yes, i love my ps3 more and more each day, i believe that sony will dominate again this new gen with the ps3, its only a matter of time, once the real games start to come out, its game over for the competition
the wii is great, but it cant compete in the long run, and the xblotch.. well… ms is killing itself, bad bad bad hardware, no rpgs….. and basically just a badly designed console, just made to squeeze $$$$$ out of gamers at every turn… from repair fees, to online, to content that should be free…but they charge anyway… they are not going anywhere!
Good deal, look forward to hearing from you all.
Im not a fan of blogs but im will make sure to visit this one daily.
This is a good idea, but i dislike how it will kill a lot of mature gaming sites like http://www.pspcrazy.com or http://www.gamingcrazy.com . I like how it will be a professional look at the PSN world, but at the same time it will kill of new young gaming site :|