It’s with enthusiasm, eagerness and, honestly, a little bit of relief that we lift the cover on our first official Sony Computer Entertainment America company blog – welcome and sorry for the wait.
PlayStation.Blog is a bit of work in progress, we see it as a place where we can share with you our company’s collective insights, opinions and perspectives on all things related to SCEA, PlayStation and the industry we play in.
At the moment, we’re thinking about sharing all sorts of things here, ranging from product news and title announcements to developer updates and industry opinion posts – all of which will come straight from the people here inside SCEA who are working, thinking and playing with this stuff every day. Look to the categories on the sidebar for some initial thoughts we have on future post themes.
Now, what we’ve learned, perhaps the hard way, is that a blog like this is really about you and the things you want to hear, share and discuss with us. With that in mind, you’ll notice that comments are enabled – and encouraged – so tell us what you want to see here and we’ll do our best to make it happen. And yes, like most blogs, we have a comment policy, please just keep this in mind when you’re leaving a comment.
We imagine it may take us a short while to find our pace with this, but bear with us as we get underway and we promise we’ll quickly make this blog a valuable stop in your daily info hunt for PlayStation news.
Like we’ve said, we’re excited to finally have a platform for conversation and connection. Much more is in the works too, so we hope you’ll consider sticking around, kicking the tires of our shiny new blog and sharing what you think.
Awesome. I’m very glad to see this blog created. I plan to bookmark it and read it daily.
All thanks to Sony! Finally we get to share our ideas and thoughts to let Sony know what will bring PS3 back to the video game console wars….
Great idea this Blog :P. Hope it’s updated constantly!!!
Why did you axe the batarang, it looked much moe ergonomic than the traditional controller.
You disappointed me with that move guys :(.
Glad to finally see Sony step up as a corporate entity and INVITE us to provide input!
Looking forward to visiting here often!
This is exciting, but I really hope it ends up being honest opinions of people at Sony and not just a bunch of bull____ PR statements released in blog format.
Great Blog!
The thing is … this blog will be flood with people trolling around.
Congrats Sony, looking forward for some exciting stuff here.
Greetz from PS3focus.nl the Netherlands !
This is a great idea. I hope there are plenty of blog posts, comments and enough interest from us as consumers to have you guys keep this. I would like to see psn updates, game lists, exclusive ps3 game lists, info on new firmware updates, and even a few troubleshooting items for features on the ps3. keep up the good work!
No serious trolling thus far, people seem to want to keep things mature up to now which is good.
Good information about your updates and better information about the weekly PS3 store. The more info the better. Good luck with the blog.
Things I’d like to see are
“A question of the week”
and New games this week.
All the best
This is fantastic. Can’t wait to see what the blog brings!
You guys shoudl kill the competition this year at E3. Reveal all the large aces this time guys, regain the confidence in the people.
Not to put pressure on you guys, but alot of people have high expectation to your E3 conference.
Thanks Sony…
Hopefully this wont fall into the marketing and PR drival that PSU (playstation underground), the G.A.P. (gamer advisory panel), E-SEALS, Dev-GruEcho (the SOCOM community manager on the official forums) and other attempts by your company to spread marketing under the guise of community relations. Perhaps this time you actually see how talking with your customers and acting on their concerns could boost your bottom line.. Time will tell.
I hope this site gets updated atleast every other day. i like threespeech but they dont post alot. i think you should put links up for other PS3 and PSP sites. like ps3fanboy.com and psu.com
Great idea Sony.
Just two things. Please get the price of the PS3 down as soon as it’s best to! So many people want the PS3 but just can’t get it.
And secondly, Harrison, please start blogging! :D
Unless you count my ranting and raving for Sony’s lack of games or any good downloadable demos and content trolling…i call it a little constructive criticism…Sony just needs a kick in the *** before some non-loyal Sony users trade in the PS3 for a competitive unit
Gratz on the blog and Welcome to the digital age!
I hope to see here a place where Sony employees can discuss Sony, the PS3’s competition and the gaming industry freely and without repercussion from the corporate overlords.
Bloggers from the competition have given the PS3 some critisism as well as some props, hopefully bloggers here will be allowed to do the same.
Sweet hopefully this will now be my one place to check for PS3 news.
Thank you for this. I’m really excited about what Sony will use this blog for.
LOL…dont try to leave criticism on the PSU forums…you’ll be shot down like the Taliban…
god forbid i say Xbox has more content and games and i caught heat from the moderators and threated to have my priviledges revoked
Indeed, The european store is totally bare on juice. I cant understand how Harrison has said that Europe is one THE most important areas when we’re actually getting nothing but constant trailers.
It has nearly nothing worth downloading. Greatly lacking content.
Hopefully we’ll get Crash bandicoot and Syphon filter on the 22nd of June as said.
Oh! I forgot! you guys should persuade the Japanese branch to make a Ape Escape PS3 :D and go back to the roots please. The first one was awesome, and the spin-offs… just werent.
Plus you should know people have been begging for a Jumping flash sequel for a while now ;).
Im really happy about this new blog site. I was hoping for one of these for a good while. Thanks for caring about our opinions and perceptions of the best brand in gaming.
I personally will NEVER own a Microsoft product…Xbox especially!!!…but i cant stand here and do nothing or say nothing to Sony about the ONE game i’ve been playing since last Nov when i started Resistance…and how every game they have been pushing back has already been out for Xbox for MONTHS!!!!!!
Thank you Sony much needed.
“Hopefully we’ll get Crash bandicoot and Syphon filter on the 22nd of June as said”
LOL…dont hold your breath…Rainbow 6 : Vegas was slated for march when i preordered it…it’s currently been pushed back about 6 times and is now set for 6/26
Finally, a blog.. If this site gets updates regulary. And some killzone footage would be awesome!! :P
If executed right this could be so awesome for Playstation fans.
No more being completely in the dark. Let your fans feel like they are special and let them in on some special treats that you have in store. At least hints! :)
I can see that you already have a poll. That is the way to go and shows that you have respect for your fans. Result will be interesting. Keem em coming, and keep the blog active. :)
Indeed, Sony you shouldnt forget that youre selling a game console :/.
Blu-ray and all that jazz is cool, but theres a DEMAND for games you know.
The xbox camp is mocking the PS3, prove them wrong guys!
Sony is just starting in the Blog space and I think it is a step in the right direction.
What they really have to be careful is not to let the blog become too much of a PR space and more where the employees that are part of Playstation that come and talk about what they’re doing or what they thing of certain aspects of the industry.
We can all handle PR to a certain extent, the site just needs to mot become 100% PR. Either that or start more targetted blogs and give each of em a different feel.
Just look at he differences in feel between Gamerscoreblog(PR), MajorNelson(Community Building), and Ozymandias(Industry insight) as great examples of how to segment different types of blogs. And each are unrestricted by the corporate overlords, which is great. (Sorry about the MS examples, they were the most appropriate to express my point. But hey, at least I didn’t give full URL’s =P )
Finally a way for us to be heard by the people that really matter.
I bought a PS3 for the quailty and now knowing that the people responsible for the system will be giving us information makes me all that more happy I chose to go with the Sony!
Warhawk is slated for Aug as is Ghost Recon AW 2..and yet Warhawk is being beta tested right now…LOL…you think it’s going to be ready by Aug…NOPE!!…not to mention the competition has both games out right now and have had demos for both games for months
Hell, it’s about time! ;)
Absolutely amazing. Thank you so much for making a website like this. You should advertise it more though, I probably would have no idea about this site if it wasn’t for a random post i read on the forums. I can already see myself reloading this page every 5 minutes. ~.^
I’m looking forward to adding to my daily dose of gaming goodness from you and the rest of the team!
Sincere best wishes. What’s good for gaming community is good for all of us.
John (www.gamerscoreblog.com)
Finally! Thank you Sony and congratulations.
Correction of my last post…Xbox has already Rainbow 6 & GRAW II released…the way i mentioned it looked like i was saying Xbox had Warhawk….i didnt mean to say that…sorry
Well this is a great step guys.. of course there’s a lot of things that you are aware that needs changing..
but one word of advise.. is for you to use this site to let us know about news like you’re expecting to do…
because hearing news from gamespot and ign and joystiq before you well it will defeat the point of this site.. take GOOD ADVANTAGE of this site and people will respond good to it..
and PLEASE get the music while playing thing so that people stop asking for it so much.. thanks guys..
I’m working at a summer job, and I’ll be buying my first PS3 this weekend coming up. I am glad to see the steps Sony is making and also taking into consideration the opinions of others.
Thank you once again Sony for starting your official blog.
Thanks for the blog, looking forward to lots of great info and a great relationship with you guys ^_^.
Good job Sony… Congrats
just a side note.. you are aware that clicking on your profile link for a user name juat takes you back to the index right? how do we change passwords and such for our profiles?
Great thanks for making the official PlayStation Blog website. Also, can you please change the login, logout option from the bottom of the page to the top. That will be great. Thanks and keep that HOT PS3 gaming news coming.
this is great! I’m waiting for great content from you :D
Great stuff guys, hope to be posting regularly.
I’m really glad that this blog is up.
Some of the stuff I’d like to see on this site are: daily news updates, PS Store updates and Firmware update info.
I’d also like to see areas where users can sends feedback on everything from what we’d like to see in a future firmware update to problems we’re having with a system to which demo should appear in the PS Store next and everything in between.
Also you guys should put up a story asking everyone to post their PSN Online ID’s.
Looking forward to this!
this is awesome!
Good job! Very excited to see an official blog, regardless of how many people think “official” means filtered and inconsistent.
I DO think that there are a few things I should at least put a request in for though:
-Please try to give us a bit of exclusive news now and again. Nothing major, but at least something. If we can get the news spilled here on any other news site or magazine, then what’s the point?
-Which leads me to the next item: Don’t release news nuggets on here that were already spilled days ago by other sites that received your press releases. Just as I hate receiving a magazine in the mail with old news due to the internets, the same applies here as well.
-A login button somewhere near the top of the main page should be visible. A bit bothersome to need to hit the comment button, and then scroll to the bottom.
-Use this blog to launch awesome new PlayStation related features, announcements, news bits, and related items- not as a “defense team”, only used to deny rumors, dispel bad press articles such as the RFOM thing, or to try and “calm us down”. Your awesomeness by itself should be sufficient in getting us, your fans, amped and excited for the future of PlayStation.
Thanks Sony!
(PS. let us know when Warhawk beta invites are going out again….)